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Simon Joyner - The Cowardly Traveller Pays His Toll - LP

Simon Joyner - The Cowardly Traveller Pays His Toll - LP

Regular price £28.49
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“Pound for pound, Simon Joyner is my favorite lyricist of all time. He has shades of all the greats (Van Zandt, Cohen, Dylan) but exists in a space all his own…He truly is an American songwriting treasure.” - Conor Oberst

REISSUED!!! 30th Anniversary Edition!! Omaha, Nebraska native and singer/songwriter SIMON JOYNER has been writing about the dizzy and dark aspects of the human condition since 1992. The Cowardly Traveller Pays His Toll was originally released in 1994, on Sing, Eunuchs!, exclusively on vinyl, and marks the first major critical milestone in Joyner’s lauded career. John Peel famously played it in its entirety on his BBC radio program and Joyner’s underground cult status was solidified; in all of John Peel’s years in radio he had only played a record in its entirety three other times.

Tracklist: 1.747 2. Address 3. Montgomery 4. August (Die She Must) 5. Target 6. Josephine 7. Fallen Man 8. Javelin 9. Appendix 10. Cole Porter 11. Joy Division

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