David Grubbs & Ryley Walker - A Tap on the Shoulder - LP
David Grubbs & Ryley Walker - A Tap on the Shoulder - LP
You never know when that tap’s going to come. How about now? (Not for you to Electric guitars make electronic music. Ryley’s hellion musical fearlessness lights a fire under the more typically Apollonian, chess-masterly Grubbs. What’s good for the geezer is good for the, etc. And where the duo’s live performances thus far have been set-length juggernauts, A Tap on the Shoulder toggles effortlessly between microscope, telescope, and Cinemascope, letting the smallest of gestures land in all of its sonic specificity before opening the scene up to disorienting panoramas. Listen to A Tap on the Shoulder in the context of Ryley’s glorious Course in Fable; listen to it in the context of Grubbs’s playing with Loren Connors, Jim O’Rourke, Taku Unami, and others; or listen to it as if you’ve never heard note one from these soulful odd birds, the two of them curiously, quixotically committed to working inside and beyond song form. |
Tracks:1. A Tap on the Shoulder (5:42)2. Accepting Most Plans (3:04) 3. Uglification (13:30) 4. Leslie Steinberger (4:27) [QZNL72100023] 5. Pump Fake on the Death Rattle (8:26) [QZNL72100024] 6. Dorothy Kept (2:50) 7. The Madman from Massachusetts in an Empty Bar (7:53) |